Dr. Neil Johnson/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital presented a case remotely to the audience at the SPIR (World congress of Society for Pediatric Interventional Radiology), London/UK, 2015.

Dr Juanjo Chudyk presented ImageOverGlobe technology at the SIMI (Week of Minimally invasive interventional therapy) meeting in Buenos Aires/Argentina in 2016.
ImageOverGlobe utilisation in emergencies: Mobile Stroke unit
We are a visionary team of dedicated experts in the field of medical information systems. Our background is both the radiology related IT informatics and medical imaging technology. We have an extensive long-lasting in-depth experience with the medical software development and deployment, systems networking, web technologies, software quality assurance and IT project management.
The company is ISO 13485 accredited, assuring that our medical products have been tested and certified for safety and performance. Our medical products bear CE mark with Class IIb classification.